Tantric massage for gay couples – how it could transform your sex life

Tantric massage for gay couples – how it could transform your sex life


Sex is one of the best ways to display your love and affection for your partner. Sex is a way for you to demonstrate the extent of your love for them and a way for you to intimately pleasure them. Whether you are in a heterosexual or homosexual relationship, the laws of sex are the same.

However when it comes to long lasting relationships there is a definite trend in gay relationships of becoming bored of each other quicker. The statistics against long term gay relationships in 2018 are alarming. We could argue that the reason behind these break ups has nothing to do with sex and is in fact a result of gay relationships being outside of the design of the nuclear family- meaning that there is no real reason to stay together forever. Of course gay couples can and do adopt, foster and even have biological children via surrogates and so do emulate the design of the nuclear unit- a design which is built on the notion of sticking with each other through and through.

Personally I think perhaps sex is the root cause of break ups and a lower number of gay couples staying together. Being with a member of the same sex can create a level playing field that leaves both parties becoming too close and comfortable with each other. When you are close with someone on a deep level it can make for an excellent sex life, however when you become too comfortable with someone you can let yourself slip and find yourself not making the effort with your partner. When you don’t feel sexy you are less inclined to explore yourself sexually and try new things.

The nail on the coffin in any relationship can be a stagnant sex life. Doing the same thing over and over without surprise and without excitement can really create an atmosphere of boredom within the bedroom, and this is killer for any relationship.

To counteract the effects of relationships becoming stale in a gay relationship I would encourage you to experiment. Now by experiment I don’t mean buy loads of different toys and smear chocolate all over each other- these things might be fine but if your sex life isn’t particularly wild realistically these things are not going to suddenly be of interest to you!

Tantric massage is different. Tantric massage isn’t the latest fad on the market that promises to make you tingle all over, tantric massage is an ancient practice of sexual pleasure deriving from Hindu and Buddhist teachings of tantra.

This erotic massage style will bring you and your partner closer in a deep and meaningful way. You will learn tried and practiced techniques that will heighten pleasure portals and deliver direct results.

When learning tantric you will find unlike other things that you may have trialled to spice up your sex life, tantric feels natural, organic. It’s as though are body was meant to feel this good!

Learning tantric is a way to learn more about your body, to learn about your partner’s body and in essence to learn how bringing your bodies together and becoming physically and mentally as one.

There are many different strands to the art of tantric which is one of the wonderful things about it. Tantric converts talk about the excitement of constantly learning and developing better practice through tantra. Considering this blossoming of self through tantra in relation to couples trying the art together, you will find it massively improves your relationship as you are always learning and growing as one, with the support of each other.

If that isn’t enough of a reason to explore tantra with your partner you should also consider the most important thing one should know about tantric massage and that is how tantric massage is intensely pleasurable.

Bringing tantra into the bedroom will revitalise and transform your sex life in to a passionate love affair, no matter how long you and your partner have been together before.  Humans do find that once they have been with a partner for an extended amount of time with no change to the sex they have the act itself can become mechanical and emotionless. This distance of stifled routine can break the strongest of couples. Tantric massages are so romantic and intimate that any duo to delve in to it will tell you, it really can revitalise and re-imagine sexual intimacy. -That can be true of both straight and gay couples however this next point is primarily a reason why gay couples especially should take up tantra…

Even in modern Britain, their still remains a cloud of shame about coming out. Regardless of laws and equal rights, gay people are often insecure and a little embarrassed about sex because of the stigma attached to their sexual preferences.  Many gay couples find that they struggle to find the right balance of intimacy with their partner as there are no guide books to follow or enough early conversations during youth and early adult hood to bolster a confidence with sex. Tantric massage provides you with that guide book, a guide book to ~ regardless of sex/gender~ inform one on how to perform intense and deeply pleasurable acts of love on their partner.

This knowledge in turn with transform not only your sex life but you’re confidence to be truly happy and secure with you are.

So why not try it today, eh? We offer a great London based Oriental Tantric massage service. (Sorry Straight only but you can experiement!) Or call us on 07767966512
